A downloadable game for Windows

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 Thank you for checking out this early build of Circa:2000 Catalyst

 Circa 2K Catalyst is a narrative-driven action-adventure taking place around the turn of the century. Taking heavy inspiration from titles like Half-Life 2 and TES franchise for its setting. 
 Taking place on earth near the Y2K, in a alternate history where earth saw itself become part of a space faring union, taking its first steps into the vastness of the cosmos.
 Circa 2000 Catalyst follows the adventure of a regular earth citizen of an unknown background, that unbeknownst to them, ends up becoming a pivotal in the future of earth.
 This story will be standalone, whilst still being a a major plot point in the Circa 2k lore.

Current State

 The current state of this project allows you to:

  •  Interact with world entities (doors, light switches, vending machines)
  •  Add, remove and inspect items in the inventory (inspired by SkyUI mod for Skyrim). 
  •  Two levels. One is a slightly modified Thirdperson template level where I dump all the crap I'm testing.
     The other is a linear level which will serve as demo.
     So far it has about 5 to 7-ish minutes of play time, ending without conclusion, sending you back to the main menu. 
  •  There's a bug where the player's name won't save, meaning you won't be able to see your custom name in the opening scene of the demo, I'm pretty sure what's the culprit and I'll probably fix it in the next build.
  •  The current player model is naked, and erm "lizardy", only seen in thirdperson and inventory.
  •  I haven't ported over animations. So she just asserts her dominance, gliding around in A-Pose. 
  •  No combat as of yet. Again, I'm in the process of porting code over.
  •  Download is a bit, big... for the small amount of content available. Almost 4GBs.
  •  Custom music inspired by Akira Yamaoka and Kelly Bailey. 
  •  As always, I probably forgot some stuff.


 If you watch the videos on my channel, you'll find it strange that some features are missing.

 This is because the last project has a compilation error which I can't figure out for the life of me.
 Currently I'm porting over the code bit by bit, which although easier, still takes its time.  When I'm done I'll still roll with this project however, as there's more efficient systems in place and generally I'm more pleased with the way I've done things.
 This is the main focus right now.
 Afterwards, I'll implement some enemies and create combat segments on this level, and expand it as well. My plan is to have this level/chapter run for at least 30 minutes of play time by the end of August at most.

 A semi-open-world driving chapter akin to Highway 17, giving you freedom to explore and the rich world I've created and the environmental storytelling I'm so keen about.

 Implement the character creator and the various other playable races of the Union, so you can make this adventure completely yours. 

 I'm planning to have around 6 to 7 hours of total playtime divided by at least 8 or 9 total chapters. Each with a playtime ranging from 30 to 60 minutes at most. 

 This project also serves as a way to gather attention, and hopefully if you find me worthy, income, so I can dedicate myself fully to this project.

Future Plans

 My goal from the start was to make a open world shooter with RPG elements, somewhat akin to STALKER but with a singular large map to explore. Since that would take eons to complete on my own (I've tried, not easy), I decided to postpone it and have it take place after the events of this one.
 I still want to make it, and the lore itself is expansive enough to allow it, as well as other original stories in-universe.
 However, this is very far down the line. 
 Lets see how this project is received by you.

Closing Notes

 This is my main project and where you'll see most activity.
 Might dabble into actual devlogs if there's appeal, and time for that.

 I'm a single man, but I'm a passionate man.
 More to come, so stay tuned! 

 Follow my YouTube channels:


 Feel free to reach me at born.software.eu@gmail.com; for any questions or bug reports or just to say hello, let me know whats up.


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